About Us

FBDownloader.net is a free online tool that helps Facebook users download their favorite videos off Facebook and save them for offline viewing. All downloaded content is provided by generating a direct link to the Facebook video. All the videos are on Facebook's servers and not ours. We do not save videos on our servers nor do we keep any history of what is downloaded.

Our website can be used on any device, whether it be Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS or any other OS.

We constantly make improvements to FBDownloader.net, so that the user can get a better experience while using our tool. Sometimes you may encounter technical issues while trying to download videos. If this should happen we ask that you please notify us by contacting us via e-mail at [email protected].

Feel free to share our website with your friends and family. If you have any questions or inquiries please use the contact page.

List of social media sites

Below is a list of social media websites where you can connect with us.